Investigation of Ideal Gas Laws by Using the Pressure Sensor and Thermistor Sensors
Dr. Syed Karrar Haider, Hamza Zafar
Journal of Natural Sciences, 1(1), pp. 08-14.

This paper describes the investigation techniques of Ideal Gas Laws by connecting a Pressure sensor and a Thermistor sensor to the Ideal Gas syringe, and analysis with data acquisition software. The result of this experiment provides high percentage accuracy; importance of sensors to analyze the pressure and temperature in order to obtain accurate results.

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Haider, Karrar Dr. Syed. & Zafar, Hamza. (2013). Investigation of Ideal Gas Laws by Using the Pressure Sensor and Thermistor Sensors. Journal of Natural Sciences, 1(1), pp. 08-14.

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Dr. Syed Karrar Haider
Department of SS& H, Physics Faculty, National
University of Computer & Emerging Sciences (FAST)
Faisal Town, Lahore


Hamza Zafar
Department of SS & H, Physics Faculty
National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences (FAST)
Faisal Town,Lahore